Who We Are

LP Advisors LLC was co-founded by Al Teplin & Michael Lim in Year 2004. From an original team of twelve, LP Advisors LLC has grown to a vibrant and diverse organization of dedicated professionals. Camaraderie, discipline, intelligence and adaptability have defined the company since its inception, and will continue to do so in the future.

We make markets and take positions 24 hours a day. We are active in exchange-traded and over-the-counter markets, including spot and derivative contracts. Our initial focus on Treasury options has been augmented over the years to include trading operations in Energy, Agricultural Products, Metals, Global Equity Indices, Equity Options and a number of Interest Rate related products.

Our success stems from an integrated approach to trading, development, and research. This approach is the model on which we were founded, and one that continues as the basis for our operations today and for tomorrow. Our trading strategies are as diverse as the products we cover, and span the technical-fundamental continuum. We have the ability to find mispricings and to execute beneficial trades; our unique local and global risk assessment and application completes the picture. To maximize the firm's risk-adjusted return, we implement a proprietary trading model that is innovative in its use of automation, qualitative and quantitative analysis, and sound risk management principles.

We are always striving to be ahead of the markets. That goal is realized through our commitment to find and retain the best people; our dedication to intelligent investment in infrastructure; our focus on solving the challenging and interesting puzzles of trading; and our ability to “get our hands dirty” and find actual solutions.

Contact Us

8345 NW 66th Street
Suite 8509
Miami, FL 33166
Email: info@LPAdvisorsLLC.com